[10000印刷√] Verilog Ifdef Example 150005-Verilog Define Example
Preprocessorifdefminutia Subtle notes about or `define and `ifdef handling There are many subtleties related to `define and `ifdef that make my head hurt BOZO most of my testing was done on VerilogXL before I really knew much about NCVerilog It would be good to doublecheck all of these things on NCVerilog and make sure it behaves the same
Verilog define example- It looks like the person who created your Verilog example was using the C preprocessor to handle his defines and macros Your example shows #ifdef which will work for C The Verilog preprocessor uses the "accentgrave" character or backwardssinglequote ` It is in the far upperleft of my keyboard Try this `ifdef TRIAL c(in3), `else c(in4 GNU Emacs (VerilogMode)) module m (`ifdef c_input c, `endif /*AUTOARG*/ // Inputs a, b) input a;
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「Verilog define example」の画像ギャラリー、詳細は各画像をクリックしてください。
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1 The ifdef statement is a compiler directive much like a preprocessor directive in C or C so you can pass them through the command line in a similar way using the D$var flag Let's say we have the following module // testv module hello;Example `define CLK_PERIOD always #(`CLK_PERIOD/2) Clk = ~Clk;
Incoming Term: verilog ifdef example, verilog ifdef or, verilog define example, verilog ifdef or condition, verilog define ifdef example, verilog ifdef else if example,